Training Tools - Swords

Recommended Swords for Advanced courses

So you would like to get a steel sword for our club, well that is a big and I mean BIG decision. This is primarily due to that unedifying feeling we all get when we hold THE ONE. Each blade feels differently in our hands. So, the best thing you can do is to try out a whole bunch and get a feeling for what you like and don't like in a weapon. With that being said, below are our recommendations for best entry level items.

Regenyei Feder - The clean standard for a training sword. It is one of the safest and most dependable options out there.

Regenyei blunt longswords - Adam's personal favorites. He owns two, they are better simulators for how a sword should feel. There is a big BUT here, they are not widely accepted in tournaments. If you do choose this route, a rubber tip is mandatory for sparring.

Chlebowski Feder - These are tanks; thick, a bit heavy, and give a nice ring when they clash.

Castile Armory - You can customize a lot...but they are expensive.